Labour market statistics: March 2016
Labour market statistics: March 2016
Single month Labour Force Survey estimates: March 2016
Reconciliation of estimates of jobs: March 2016
Supplementary analysis of average weekly earnings: March 2016
Economic inactivity by reason (not seasonally adjusted): INAC01 NSA
Economic inactivity by reason (seasonally adjusted): INAC01 SA
Redundancies levels and rates (not seasonally adjusted): RED01 NSA
Redundancies levels and rates (seasonally adjusted): RED01 SA
Redundancies by industry, age, sex and re-employment rates: RED02
Unemployment rate revisions triangle: UNEM04
Unemployment by previous industrial sector: UNEM03
Unemployment by previous occupation: UNEM02
Vacancies by size of business: VACS03
Comparison between Unemployment and the Claimant Count: X05
Unemployment by age and duration (seasonally adjusted): UNEM01 SA
Unemployment by age and duration (not seasonally adjusted): UNEM01 NSA
Vacancies and unemployment: VACS01
Vacancies by industry: VACS02
Jobseeker’s Allowance by age and duration: BEN03
Claimant Count: CLA01
Claimant Count by age group: CLA02
Claimant Count revisions triangle: CLA03
Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants: BEN02
Main out of work benefits: BEN01
Underemployment and overemployment: EMP16
Self-employment jobs by industry: JOBS04
Summary of labour market statistics: A01
Employees and self-employed by occupation: EMP09
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for men aged from 16 to 64 and women aged from 16 to 59 (seasonally adjusted): A03 SA
Labour market status of disabled people: A08
Labour market status by ethnic group: A09
Employment by industry: EMP13
Public and private sector employment: EMP02
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for men aged from 16 to 64 and women aged from 16 to 59 (not seasonally adjusted): A03 NSA
All in employment by occupation: EMP08
Employment by socio-economic classification: EMP11
Employees and self-employed by industry: EMP14
Job related training received by employees: EMP15
Labour Force Survey sampling variability: A11
Public sector employment by industry: EMP03
International comparisons of employment and unemployment rates: A10
Workforce jobs by industry: JOBS02
Part-time and temporary workers by occupation: EMP10
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by age group (not seasonally adjusted): A05 NSA
Full-time, part-time and temporary workers (seasonally adjusted): EMP01 SA
Workforce jobs sampling variability: JOBS07
Summary of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for people below state pension age: A04
Full-time, part-time and temporary workers (not seasonally adjusted): EMP01 NSA
Employment by country of birth and nationality: EMP06
Part-time and temporary workers by socio-economic classification: EMP12
Workforce jobs revisions triangle: JOBS06
Educational status and labour market status for people aged from 16 to 24 (seasonally adjusted): A06 SA
Employment rate revisions triangle: EMP05
Reconciliation of estimates of employment and jobs: X03
Educational status and labour market status for people aged from 16 to 24 (not seasonally adjusted): A06 NSA
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for people aged 16 and over and aged from 16 to 64 (seasonally adjusted): A02 SA
Workforce jobs by region and industry: JOBS05
Employment by occupation: EMP04
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for people aged 16 and over and aged from 16 to 64: A02 NSA
Regional labour market summary: A07
Workforce jobs summary: JOBS01
Employee jobs by industry: JOBS03
Labour Force Survey Single Month estimates: X01
Labour Force Survey Flows estimates: X02
Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by age group (seasonally adjusted): A05 SA
Temporary employees: EMP07
Average Weekly Earnings: EARN01
Average Weekly Earnings by sector: EARN02
Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees: EARN04
Usual weekly hours worked (seasonally adjusted): HOUR02 SA
Actual weekly hours worked (seasonally adjusted): HOUR01 SA
Average weekly earnings by industry: EARN03
Actual weekly hours worked (not seasonally adjusted): HOUR01 NSA
Gross weekly earnings of full-time employees by region: EARN05
Gross weekly earnings by industry: EARN07
Average Weekly Earnings Supplementary Analysis: X04
Gross weekly earnings by occupation: EARN06
Distribution of gross hourly earnings of employees: EARN08
Usual weekly hours worked (not seasonally adjusted): HOUR02 NSA
Average hours worked by industry: HOUR03
Stoppages of work: LABD03
Labour disputes: LABD01
Labour disputes by sector: LABD02